“Helicopter Parents”? “Monster Parents”? “Free-range Parenting?” – Part 4 Free-range Parenting

Definition Free-range or slow parenting (just like slow food), refers to parents who try to give their kids more independence—those who step back and let their kids learn from experience. Free-range parenting is based on the notion “that we can give our children the same kind of freedom we had [as kids] without going nuts with worry”. The idea is to “Prepare the child for…

Five Things to Know About Anger

Anger is a frequently misunderstood emotion. People confuse it with aggression and violence, they think of it as mostly unhealthy, and they fail to recognize the times in their lives when their anger has been positive. To try and rectify those misunderstandings, here are five important things to know about anger. Anger is different from aggression Often, anger is confused with aggression. However, the two…

“Helicopter Parents”? “Monster Parents”? “Free-Range Parenting?” – Part 3 – Monster Kids: The Case in Hong Kong

“Monster Kids” refers to a group of children who are spoiled by their parents, resulting in lack of basic self-care ability. Characteristics of Monster Kids in Hong Kong “Princess / Prince Disease” – they are unable to brush their teeth, to eat, to get dress and even to go to the toilet. They need a maid or their parents to do it for them. Bossy…

Making a Digital First Impression: Why You Can’t Fake Your Facebook Profile

The photos in your Facebook profile provided a very accurate reflection of your personality in real life. The Facebook study found that accuracy was strongest for judging extroversion and openness. The study on the role of physical appearance in creating first impression found that you can actually learn a great deal about a stranger’s personality from appearance alone. When people stood in a natural position,…