Happy-Valentines-Day-Wallpaper-02Doing something small every day is important because your connection with your partner is a daily commitment.

Here are seven simple suggestions for cultivating your closeness.

1. Do things together – Having shared experiences keeps your connection alive.

2. Touch throughout the day – Touch is a very primal, visceral way to feel connected to someone. It reminds us of our most basic needs as infants, and “we need to be held.”

3. Get romantic – Carve out the time for romance, flirtation and sex, and honor it. “Encourage your partner to express their inner feisty, sexy self.”

4. Be interested in your partner’s interests – It’s important to know what your partner loves to do and join them. Connecting through empathy and genuine interest with one’s partner’s passions helps develop greater intimacy and commitment.

5. Have inside jokes – When you laugh with your partner, you create a positive bond, which is what connecting is all about. Inside jokes derive from shared experiences, such as parties, anniversaries, travels, funny films and goofy singing or dancing.

6. Give eye contact – Turning off all distractions and focusing solely on your partner means you’re choosing to make a connection. Looking into your partner’s eyes when you’re talking or listening to them communicates, “I am here in this place and moment with you. I’m not looking at a screen or giving priority to anything else. I’m making you my priority.”

7. Perform small, sweet acts – writing love notes or sending special e-mail messages; helping each other with a project; and preparing a favorite breakfast.

Relationships don’t work on autopilot. They require nourishment like a plant or pet. So it’s important “to give your relationship that kind of attention.”

Source: http://psychcentral.com/blog/archives/2014/02/11/7-simple-ways-to-connect-to-your-partner/