tumblr_lbiv4oGHd01qdejx0People who feel consistently lonely have a 14% higher risk of premature death than those who don’t. The impact of loneliness on early death is almost as strong as the impact of being poor, which increased the chances of dying early by 19%.

“Loneliness is a risk factor for early death beyond what can be explained by poor health behaviors,” says psychologist John Cacioppo, director of the Center for Cognitive and Social Neuroscience at the University of Chicago. Feeling lonely isn’t only unhappy; it’s unsafe.

Cacioppo and colleagues have found that feeling lonely and isolated from others can lead to less restful, restorative sleep, raise blood pressure, cause morning increases in the stress hormone cortisol, increase depression and lower the overall feeling of living a meaningful life.

People can escape the clutches of loneliness as they age by staying in touch with former colleagues, maintaining meaningful relationships and participating in family activities. People underestimate the importance of sharing good times with friends and family. What’s really important is companionship and mutual assistance and protection. Having high-quality relationships with a few people is one of the keys to happiness and longevity. The stresses and challenges of life are more easily endured if we can share them with someone in whom we can confide and trust.

Some of the problems that contribute to loneliness as people age include loss of mobility, loss of hearing and blindness. You’ll benefit if you develop new friendships in the new location. Maintaining quality relationships, engaging in meaningful activities with others and practicing healthy behaviors increase the odds of a long and happier life. Older adults who maintain meaningful, satisfying relationships weather life’s stressors to emerge happier, healthier and wiser than people who do not.

Psychologist Joe Burgo, author of Why Do I Do That? and the founder of afterpsychotherapy.com, agrees that feeling connected with others is important to people. Human beings are social animals, expressing our sense of who we are via relationships, both personal and professional. As we grow older, many of those relationships come to an end. We retire from our jobs and often lose touch with colleagues. Our children may relocate. Friends or family members die.

“Not only do we grieve and feel lonely without these people in our lives, but our very sense of self is challenged,” he says. “That’s why it’s critical to remain active and engaged in your world, tending old friendships and forging new ones, taking part in group activities that connect you to other people.”

Source: http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/02/17/loneliness-seniors-early-death/5534323/