
There are all types of entrepreneurs- young, old, experienced, inexperienced, technology-inclined, service-oriented! The one thing to be true of all entrepreneurs is this: they have what it takes to succeed: passion, confidence, a strong backbone, and self-discipline. If you want to pursue life as an entrepreneur, you may need to invest time and energy in gaining these and other traits. Or you might think about helping entrepreneurs become successful by joining their team. Either way, get ready for the journey of a lifetime!

Kauffman FastTrac, which helps aspiring and established entrepreneurs start and grow companies, offers the following survey of traditional entrepreneurial characteristics. This survey is not scientific, but rather a creative and insightful way to see where your traits lie within an entrepreneurial mindset. When you engage in this self-assessment, be honest with yourself. Do you have these traits? If not, think about what you must do to acquire them. There are no wrong answers and the outcome may reveal your preparedness to launch entrepreneurial ventures.

  1. Desire and Passion: I have a fervent drive to succeed and zeal for the tasks required.
  2. Energy: I have stamina to tackle problems.
  3. Ability to Thrive on Uncertainty: I can prosper in an environment with many questions and few answers.
  4. Determination and Resiliency: I can hang on in hard times and recover quickly.
  5. Accountability: I take responsibility for my own success.
  6. Persuasiveness: I Convincingly communicate with others—bankers, vendors, employees.
  7. Self-Discipline: I can do the tasks necessary to succeed, whether pleasant or unpleasant.
  8. Self-Confidence: I believe that somehow I can solve whatever problems arise.
  9. Social Responsibility: I am passionately motivated to share success and wealth by giving back.
  10. Ethics: I deal with others with honesty and integrity.
  11. Ability to Value Appropriate Control Systems: I value the management and control systems necessary to run a business.
  12. Problem Solving: I have an ability to anticipate and troubleshoot problems.
  13. Networking: I connect with others and build strategic relationships.
  14. Market Awareness: I can scan the marketplace and assess potential needs and gaps.
  15. Low Support Needs: I provide for my own needs with little support from others.
  16. Business Knowledge: I have a basis for making effective, profitable business decisions.
  17. Good People Judgment: I can pick the right people to help execute my vision.

Take the online test in the following link: https://www.forbes.com/sites/tompost/2012/06/04/are-you-an-entrepreneur-startup/