Parenting: Your Children Send Messages Too

Your children are constantly sending you messages that you may or may not be getting or interpreting correctly. Your ability to receive and understand those messages can help you send the best messages in the best way to them (and when to stop sending messages or change your messages). Children are incredibly good at sending their parents messages about how they are doing at any given…

Why A Teen Who Talks Back May Have A Bright Future

  Psychologist Joseph P. Allen says almost all parents and teenagers argue. But it’s the quality of the arguments that makes all the difference. “We tell parents to think of those arguments not as nuisance but as a critical training ground,” he says. Such arguments, he says, are actually mini life lessons in how to disagree — a necessary skill later on in life with partners,…

When Parents Disagree About Their Adolescent

The problem of parental disagreement starts from the child’s birth when diverging ideas about child rearing unexpectedly arise. As father, one parent will be influenced by his own male training growing up and this may bias his perception and approach to a son and daughter. So maybe he believes competing hard and performing well is what matters most. As mother, the other parent will be…