6 Ways Men and Women Are (Mostly) Different

The differences, as well as the similarities, between how men and women approach life, and the experiences that make up that life: How they work, how they parent, how they love could be found in six ways: 1. She wants it all. So does he.  When we talk about how men and women define success, we often generalize: Women want balance, or to “have it all.”…

4 Powerful Ways to Use Body Language for Better Relationships

Body language has been said to impact a relationship more than words and tone of voice combined. Here’s how to use your gestures for good. Talk like you’re looking in a mirror. Studies have shown that people in power positions—those sitting higher than their partners, putting their feet up, or lacing their fingers behind their necks—have increased feelings of superiority, while people in lower-power poses,…

7 Simple Ways to Connect to Your Partner

Doing something small every day is important because your connection with your partner is a daily commitment. Here are seven simple suggestions for cultivating your closeness. 1. Do things together – Having shared experiences keeps your connection alive. 2. Touch throughout the day – Touch is a very primal, visceral way to feel connected to someone. It reminds us of our most basic needs as infants, and “we need to…

The Best Relationship Advice – Dos and Don’ts

For the 1.2 million lovebirds who will be married this summer, here are a few secrets for a long, successful marriage: DO Do choose your battles. Do cut out words like should or ought, as in “You should be a better listener.” That’s parental, not relational. Instead, simply ask for what you need. Do recognize what your spouse brings to the relationship rather than focusing on what you…

New Love: A Short Shelf Life

In fairy tales, marriages last happily ever after. Science, however, tells us that wedded bliss has but a limited shelf life. American and European researchers tracked 1,761 people who got married and stayed married over the course of 15 years. The findings were clear: newlyweds enjoy a big happiness boost that lasts, on average, for just two years. Then the special joy wears off and…

7 Keys To A Healthy And Happy Relationship

Here’s just a little primer of 7 signs of a healthy relationship. 1.  Mutual Respect If you don’t have this – well, it’s going to be a tough road.  This doesn’t mean you agree with everything your partner says or does.   It does mean that you have admiration for each other, and steady undercurrent of love and trust throughout your relationship. You also have…

When Parents Disagree About Their Adolescent

The problem of parental disagreement starts from the child’s birth when diverging ideas about child rearing unexpectedly arise. As father, one parent will be influenced by his own male training growing up and this may bias his perception and approach to a son and daughter. So maybe he believes competing hard and performing well is what matters most. As mother, the other parent will be…

10 Truths to Keep Your Relationship Healthy

Here are some basic rules of the relationship road that will keep you headed in the right direction. 1. Successful relationships take work. 2. You can only change yourself, not your partner. 3. All arguments stem from our own fear or pain. 4. Understand that men and women are very different. 5. Honor each other in some way every day. 6. Anger is a waste…

How will I know he is the one for me?

How will I know when I find Mr. Right? Here are the seven ways to know if Mr. Right is the right one for you. 1. Actions speaks lounder than words! 2. The donuts always tell the truth! 3. He is always first in line! 4. He is in the habit of telling you something that isn’t quite true. 5. You do NOT tingle at…