Exercise is not just good for physical health. Daily physical activity can also boost our mental health.

1. Self-image

Physical activity has positive effects on body weight and body structure, leading to positive feedback from peers and improved self-image, and ultimately improving mental health.

Adolescents who were physically inactive or who perceived their bodies as either “too fat” or “too thin” were at greater risk for both internalizing problems (e.g., depression, anxiety) and externalizing problems (e.g., aggression, substance abuse). Adolescents who participated in organized sports, on the other hand, were at lower risk for mental health problems.

2. Social interaction

The social aspects of physical activity – such as social relationships and mutual support among team members –  contribute to the positive effects of exercise on mental health.

Certain psychosocial factors – body image and social interaction – may help to explain at least part of the connection between physical activity and mental health.  Physical activity may be one effective tool for the prevention of mental health problems in adolescence.

